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Successful Sea Trial of Puyi’s First EPC Project

Release time:2020-04-24 09:26

With close attention of top management and efficient coordination of field project managers, Puyi’s first EPC projects, projects R030 (1668TEU) and R034 (2598TEU), are entering the final stage. Over almost a month's efforts, the projects have lived up to high standards of quality, efficiency and safety. In order to achieve this satisfactory result, Puyi has been fully mobilizing advantageous resources and professional project team of the shipyard, and efficiently coordinating related parties including the design institute, society class and shipowner to overcome various problems such as impact of the epidemic on material preparation, difficulty of special workmanship such as bulk assembly, tight schedule caused by longer review cycle of drawings, complicated modification of pipelines in the engine room caused by its compact structure, as well as adverse effects of unpredictable weather, etc. Up until now, sea trial of project R030 has been successfully finished, and that of project R034 will be carried out in two days.

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