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Experts from DNV GL Visited Puyi for Investigation

Release time:2017-06-16 13:37

On June 13, 2017, a group of 3 experts from DNV GL visited Puyi for investigation and guidance. And this is not the first visit DNV GL paid to Puyi. Last year, right after IMO approved the proposal of enforcing global sulfur cap of 0.5% in 2020, experts from DNV GL had already visited Puyi. This not only shows that DNV GL has a positive prediction of scrubber market, but also displays its high regard towards Puyi’s magnesium-based method of desulfurization.

During the meeting, chief engineer of Puyi, introduced the magnesium method in detail, explained that with various system types, the scrubber can be customized according to customers’ requirements. After that, Mr. Jan-Tore Ervik from DNV GL marine consulting department, introduced that HIL testing can help to improve product performance through simulating marine control system and analyzing the stability status and potential problems under different operating conditions. He was followed by Mr. Chen, manager of China marine materials and products classification department, who emphasized that it is urgent for shipowners to opt for a compliant solution as the new regulation draws near. And DNV GL will submit a proposal regarding regulations for scrubbers at the upcoming MEPC meeting.

 After the meeting, deputy general manager and chief engineer accompanied the group on a field trip to the factory site and the ground-based laboratory under construction. This laboratory will be used to test operation process of scrubber under different working conditions, predicting potential problems, thus to adjust parameters and improve performance of the equipment.

Puyi company will retain close cooperation with DNV GL, to further optimize product quality and service standards, helping shipowners to better rise to the upcoming challenges.

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