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Weihai Puyi Achieved Strategic Cooperation Agreement with CSSRC

Release time:2015-02-16 11:44

On February 13, Weihai Puyi  Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC) in Wuxi. The signing ceremony was attended by top management of both parties.

Established in 2013, Weihai Puyi  Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. is the first Asian supplier of marine desulfurization equipment, and the first enterprise to adopt magnesium -based desulfurization method in the world. In 2011, the first Puyi EGCS was installed on COSCO container vessel “Binghe”, which passed inspection of CCS in 2014.

As a member of ITTC and ISSC, CSSRC is China’s largest ship and ocean engineering research institute possessing more than 500 research engineers and 22 large-scaled test facilities, mainly engaged in the research and consultation of ship hydrodynamic performance, propulsion, high performance ships, underwater engineering, vibration and noise reduction, underwater structure, marine and offshore structures as well as information technology. In the pursuit of scientific innovation, CSSRC has developed a great number of key technologies and products, playing an important role in China’s shipping and marine engineering industry.

Since January 1, 2015, sulfur limit of 0.1% in emission control areas has been officially enforced. By 2020, sulfur cap of 0.5% will be enforced globally. As a result, shipowners must opt for a compliant solution as soon as possible. And currently, scrubber remains the most favorable option.

Four advantages of Puyi EGCS

Compared with similar products in the market, Puyi scrubber tower is more compact and easier to handle, thus suitable for both retrofitting and new-built projects.

The treatment effect of Puyi EGCS fully complies with the strictest IMO regulation.

Price of Puyi EGCS is roughly half of that of foreign competitors.

The innovative adoption of the cheaper magnesium method reduces operating costs dramatically.

Based on the agreement, the two parties will conduct in-depth cooperation in various fields, intensify efforts in technology exchange, joint R&D, and industrialization of research achievements, and quickly capture the global marine environmental market.

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